Stephan Delbos

Stephan Delbos je první básník – laureát města Plymouth v Massachusetts Jeho básně, eseje a překlady byly publikovány v Česku i v zahraničí. V USA vydal tři básnické sbírky: In Memory of Fire (Cape Cod Poetry Review, Hyannis, MA 2017), Light Reading (BlazeVOX, Buffalo, NY 2019) a Small Talk (Dos Madres Press, Loveland, OH 2021). Jeho hra Chetty’s Lullaby o trumpetistovi Chetu Bakerovi byla uvedena v divadle Viracocha (San Francisco, 2014) a hra Deaf Empire o Bedřichu Smetanovi v Kolovratu (soubor Prague Shakespeare Company, Praha, 2017). Spolu s Terezou Novickou přeložil Nezvalovu sbírku Absolutní hrobař (The Absolute Gravedigger, Twisted Spoon, 2016), Žena v množném čísle (Woman in the Plural, Twisted Spoon, 2021) a Pařížský deník české básnířky Terezy Riedlbauchové (Paris Notebook) (Verse Chorus Press, 2020). V roce 2021 mu v nakladatelství Palgrave vyšla vědecká studie The New American Poetry and Cold War Nationalism. Je také spoluzakladatelem redaktorem literárního časopisu B O D Y (

Stephan Delbos, the first Poet Laureate of Plymouth, Massachusetts, is the author of the poetry chapbook In Memory of Fire (Cape Cod Poetry Review, 2016); and the poetry collections Light Reading (BlazeVOX, 2019); Small Talk (Dos Madres, 2021); and Two Poems (The Literary Salon, 2021). Two of his plays have been staged: Chetty’s Lullaby, about trumpeter Chet Baker, in San Francisco in 2014, and Deaf Empire, about composer Bedřich Smetana, by Prague Shakespeare Company in 2017. His translations from Czech include Vítězslav Nezval’s The Absolute Gravedigger (Twisted Spoon, 2016: recipient of the PEN / Heim Translation Grant) and Woman in the Plural (Twisted Spoon, 2021); and Paris Notebook by poet Tereza Riedlbauchová (Verse Chorus Press, 2020). His scholarly study, The New American Poetry and Cold War Nationalism, was published by Palgrave in 2021. He is a founding editor of B O D Y (